Free Alchemical Biomedicine Books in PDF

ïcono representativo del Curso Práctico de Astro Alquimia Vegetal

The Astroherbarium School is based on 4 main axes, Alchemy, Astrology, Herbalism and Biomedicine.

These axes are deeply connected from the ancient hermetic vision, where macro and micro cosmos are material expression of the same immaterial essence.
The Structural Basis of the School is given by the coordinates marked by Astrology, since the Planets represent archetypes in the evolution of consciousness that we see represented in everything on Earth, influenced by Heaven.

And from this relationship arises the Life of the beings that inhabit the Earth.
To understand the World around us, we need to determine a coding system and delve into its analogies, because that same general structure will be applicable to everything observed.

Although there are many systems and all are valid, in this School of Alchemical Biomedicine, we observe everything from the prism of the structure proposed by astrology and its zodiacal system, which is nothing more than a derivation of the Hermetic laws applied in practice: 2 polarities, 4 elements, 3 principles, 12 possibilities.

Everything on Earth responds to this structure.
Both Human Beings and Plant Beings, the central relationship of this School, have distinctive traits that make them resonant to a given Planet.
As the Rose with its beauty leaves no doubt about its Venusian affinity, or the human heart with its anatomical centrality clearly shows its solar resonance, so everything can be analyzed from the fragmentation of the 7 planetary archetypes.

That is why we have specially prepared this library of Alchemical Biomedicine, with its 4 sections, of very valuable, highly sought after and constantly updated books.
Here you will find more than 48 essential titles on Alchemy, Astrology, Phytotherapy and Biomedicine with Free Download in just one click and in PDF format.

Plus a Special Gift designed by Astroherbarium: a table to combine the Plants according to the Regencies of the 7 Planets of the Sky according to the ancient Alchemy.
We wish you to take advantage of this library, read it, share it and make your own synthesis, the one that resonates with your Life and also let pass by what does not resonate or is not for you at this time.

We wish you the best of paths, the only one that your feet walk with total resonance,

Astroherbarium School.

Free PDF Alchemy Books

Alchemy is the Art of raising vibrations. It is not simply transformation, but involves purification through dissolution and subsequent reunification, with greater harmony.

Dissolve and Reunify (Solve et Coagula) is the basic rhythm of the existence of All That Is and is the basis of the Art of Alchemy.

The laboratory is the galaxies, the solar system, the physical body itself and fractally all that is part of it.

Separate to purify (Solve) and re-unite (Coagula) to separate again is the key to the evolution of Consciousness whose objective is the same genesis from which it arises:

The Primordial Chaos, vibrationally elevated over itself, and re-organized, more harmoniously each time..

In this section of Alchemy books you will find ancient texts of Greek, Egyptian, Arabic Medicine; books of herbal laboratory practice, Spagyrics, Vegetal Alchemy with Medicinal Plants, Mineral Alchemy. We also include occult texts of Sexual Alchemy, of the priestesses of Isis, Taoist and of deep transmuting sense.

The sense of transforming Matter is always one’s own transformation. It is done outside to be Inside. Therefore, here you will find books for the external alchemical laboratory practice and also for that same internal practice with the frequency modulations of the physical body itself. Image, Likeness and Symbol.

Enjoy the Journey!

Free PDF Astrology Books

The function of Astrology that is best known today is the application of the Planetary Archetypes and the Signs of the Zodiac to aspects of the human personality. However, little is known about their structural depth.

In the Astroherbarium school we give priority to this aspect: The Relationship between Astrology and Alchemy and the Bases that sustain the experience of Life.

Alchemy has always remained hidden behind a hermetic and complex language. However, in the symbols and their basic combinations it reveals itself simple and profound. And those same alchemical symbols, in their ancestral union with Astrology, also design the symbols of the Planets.

Heaven and Earth are a reflection of the Macro and Micro Cosmos.

With this section of Astrology books you can enter into the Mysteries of Heaven and perceive them on Earth, in Plants, in Humans…

Astrology, ancient wisdom linked to Medicine, provides the necessary analogies to develop Remedies and Habits capable of harmonizing the Nature of the Human Being with the cycles of the Stars.

You will also find books that are difficult to catalog. As always in this alchemical Cauldron, meanings intersect in a poetic attempt to understand Totality.

May you enjoy remembering!

Free PDF Herbalism Books

Herbal Medicine is the part of Plant Alchemy that puts its hands on Earth, keeping its eyes on Heaven.

The first step into the labyrinth of symbols is always alive in the simplicity and courage of a single sprouting seed. And those who have the miracle before their eyes and understand it, can take its fruits and absorb its medicine.

The Art of Alchemy is not revealed to the curious but to practitioners, although curiosity is the essential ingredient to take the first step on a path that is so natural that most of the time we do not perceive its importance.
Smelling the jasmine blossoms, caressing the soft leaves of Melissa, grabbing the figs and eating them right there on the tree itself. It is a path so instinctive that we do not perceive it as a path. And it is one of the most necessary. Recognize the Green as a teacher.Orat et Laborat. Oratory and Laboratory.

In this section of Herbalism books you will find a lot of information about Medicinal Plants and Herbs, Traditional Phytotherapy, Phytomedicine and Herbalism.
Although no book will be able to make you feel the perfume of the Roses, nor the sublime softness of its petals.

And it is only through this perception that the secrets are finally revealed.

Let’s get to work Alchemists!

Free PDF Biomedicine Books

The attempt to understand the laws that sustain and structure Life encompasses many disciplines. From the analysis of atoms and basic physical components to the study of the frequency waves that compose thoughts and emotions, Life is studied in its Material and Immaterial aspects with equal determination.

And both aspects are interconnected giving form and essence to the Profound Enigma of Biology.

In relation to Life specifically of Human Beings, these aspects are intrinsically connected, by the strange capacity of having self-consciousness. This consciousness of existing of one’s own Matter-Body-Salt, gave Origin to Philosophy. And from these same questions and the need to find answers, different techniques emerged, from different perspectives, which provide a part of the puzzle of possible answers.

The Greek aphorism inscribed on the temple of Apollos: “Know thyself”, is as ancient as it is contemporary. Look Inside to know Outside and look Outside to know Inside.

Therefore, in this section you will find books on self-knowledge: Biomedicine, German New Medicine, Biodecoding, Biological Decoding, NLP Neuro Linguistic Programming, Bioenergetics, Bioenergetics, Bioneuroemotion, Biosophy, Anthroposophy, Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Physiology, Anatomy and Biocodes.

May the Mind be our tool towards the Integrity of all that we are!

Exclusive Gift of Astroherbarium

Synoptic Chart of PLANETARY PLANETS by PLANETARY REGENCY according to the Ancient Sky, taking as reference texts of alchemists such as Paracelsus, William Lilly, Frater Albertus, Manfred Junius and Culpeper.

30 medicinal plants with their regencies and corrections, so you can combine them according to the seal of the stars and make your own alchemical preparations.

Do you want to know more?

Explore the offer of Astrological Plant Alchemy Courses that we prepare for you.